vrijdag 11 augustus 2017

Relax, enjoy life and eat food that makes me feel good!

Since changing my food habitudes towards food that makes me overall feel good, I take a slightly different view on the world in all his aspects.

As a kid, I’ve always been passionate by the fact that people were inventing and creating things in order to make life more efficient, going faster and with less effort. Thru the eyes of a kid, it looked great to me.

Today I’m not so sure about that greatness anymore?
Is all that really helping me, and if so, in what matter?

If we take the example of the car, yes with the car I can go faster and potentially do more things in a day. (probably good question to ask is what things do I want to do in a day?)
Now if the car made things so much better and efficient for everybody, why don't I see so many people very cool, present behind the steer, being very kind towards each other enjoying the ride? Why do I see with that great invention, rather people driving over other living creatures walking, running or cycling on that same road? It looks like the car didn't really made things better and more efficient, did it? Or is it the driver that is reaching his limits? Ok, I get it, and we make, new inventions in order to make that go away, right?
I can't believe I have believed in such a direction before…

The point I want to get to, is that great inventions have been made, that make live certainly way more efficient and easier than it was before.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all against them. It's just that originally they were designed to make my life better and that’s therefore I should use them in my opinion.
So if they don’t do that, I should probably re question myself on how I use them and get them again on the right purpose for me. I strongly believe that, that direction is much more fruitful than blaming the outside world, waiting for that new anti stress invention to appear, staying stressful behind the steer and potentially bring other living creatures in danger.

The day I realized I don't have to wait for outside inventions, that I've everything in me, that I create my own stress, behaviour, it became all about relaxing and seeing what really matters in life!

Enjoying the ride, being a compassionate human being and using everything that can help with that!

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #relax #life #sharing #feelfree

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