donderdag 17 augustus 2017

Great book from Tobias Leenaert if you want to work for a better world!

At some point in my life I was looking for more meaning and purpose, wondering how can I do my part for a better world.

Like I explained here, I took some concrete actions to at least be the change I would like to see in the world.

There was nevertheless always that feeling that there is more I have to do with it. In this search, the pragmatic approach is not always the one that comes first to my mind, well up to coming in contact with Tobias, it never even came to my mind.

I love all the living creatures on this earth and after having read his book, I'm even more affirmative about that.

Tobias provide a lot of experience in this book, what worked, what didn't and all explained by facts through history.

There are some real concrete guidelines as well as actions for all readers, anywhere you are on your journey.

There is vegan in the title, so yes the first target audience are the ones knowing what vegan is.

This said, I found it a truly inspiring, positive oriented book and would recommend it to everyone that is in some way or another, wanting to work at a better world for all living creatures!

You can buy it here;

#tobiasleenaert ( / / #bevegan #eva #vegansociety #peta #earthsprout #respectanimals

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