maandag 21 augustus 2017

Getting out the vicious circle of emotional eating!

A big part of my eating, is not because of hunger, it’s purely emotional. Meant to get some kind of comfort or compensation for something that has in the majority of cases nothing to do with hunger.

It even surprised me till which level people apply that; out of Rich Roll’s Podcast #288 with JD Roth was an excellent example of that, JD Roth says; "My mom has stage 4 pancréatic state cancer, so I said, mom now is the time to go plant based, I'm begging you, I'll help you with it.” On which the mom replied; “If ever there is a time to eat a donut, now is it".
Really showing that as a human quite often we praise the comforting side of food, instead of the healing and providing positive energy side in those difficult circumstances.

What I found out, is that with the more traditional cultural food I used to eat, I didn’t even know I was eating emotionally, and it made me quite often feel bad, fat and wanting more of it. Nice vicious circle, isn't it!

With food that makes me overall feel good based on whole food, fruits and vegetables, what is nice, is that I can eat as much as I want, don't feel bad afterwards and don’t gain any weight. On top of that, since the emotionally overeating I'm doing is too much for my body, it doesn't really absorb it, I feel that I'm not really hungry, I clearly understand the emotional side of it and can in parallel address the root cause of it via different techniques I discovered via this new eat lifestyle as well.

So if you are like me having issues, with emotional eating, to get out of the vicious circle, are desperately looking for a solution, try to eat at those moments whole food fruits or vegetables that you like the most, and as much as you want. It might be like for me a nice step in a good direction to getting out of the vicious circle!

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #emotionaleating #life #feelfree

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